24/7 Support
It doesn’t matter what kind of service you provide or product you carry; your customers would appreciate you more if you’re ready to provide 24/7 support. Despite being a glaring necessity, most companies are still not convinced in setting up a 24/7 customer support center. For one, these companies believe that doing so would cost them a lot of money, especially during implementation and maintenance. On the other hand, other companies don’t think this can add more value to their business.
Customers’ Shifting Needs
Since customer expectations and attitudes are shifting, you need to keep up. And the meaning of keeping up in this sense is providing access to your customers so they could reach out to you when they want. Customers naturally gravitate towards companies that allow them to do this. They would want to reach you through convenient methods, like a phone call, social media, SMS, live chat, or email. And aside from the medium of communication, these customers also prefer companies they can reach out to whenever they want.
Customers and Their High Expectations
A Microsoft study revealed that 54% of consumers now have higher expectations for the customer service offered by companies they patronize than they did last in the past years. This increase in expectations made them even more critical and less lenient for brands that couldn’t meet their expectations. When this happens, they move on faster towards brands that could give them more.
Additionally, they expect that companies should make access to the same round the clock aside from providing customer support. In fact, a vast customer segment assumes that 24/7 service is the standard, and anyone offering less than this isn’t worthy of their business. If the standard is indeed this high, yet your business is still stuck with the old CS practices, how can you compete? How can you convince your target market to choose you instead?
Need for Optimized and Prompt Service
Modern-day customers are also less patient when it comes to the services they subscribe to. This explains why if they couldn’t stay on an unresponsive webpage for more than 10 seconds. They consider their time valuable, and any company that couldn’t respect that fact is often canceled. They want the information now, so you need to go above and beyond to deliver them that. Otherwise, you’re out of the competition.
Now that you understand better the urgency of setting up a 24/7 customer support hub, it’s time to get to work and start the improvement! Intelinet Systems – IT Support can help you with that. Talk to us today!
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