Data Center Design
Conceptualizing and drafting a data center design requires an enormous amount of expense, effort, and time. However, when executed correctly, the facility can safely house IT equipment and servers for decades. Whether you’re planning a multi-million or modest facility for cloud technologies, getting things done properly is crucial. This explains why businesses often leave the job to the experts.
Among the plethora of factors to consider, the size of the room is one of the most essential. It doesn’t matter if you’re only retrofitting an old facility or creating an entirely new structure; the cost could be staggering. Since the whole project could be very costly, it’s better to get it done right the first time.
Most businesses build data centers and plan their designs based on their current needs but fail to invest in its continuity. If the investment is high, you could only imagine the loss if the center would no longer serve its purpose. So to keep this from happening, here are some points you should consider when planning your own.
Consider the Floorspace
To make sure that your data center will still be useful for decades in the future, anticipate your future needs. How many square feet do you need to function efficiently today? Do you intend to grow your operation and add more equipment to be stored in the facility? If yes, how big do you expect your growth to be? Getting the suitable space to include your present and future needs is more economical than renovating your built space a few years later.
Identify the Facility Power Requirements
You need to consider the electrical needs of your data center. Same as when you consider the floor space, think of your current and long-term power requirements. This will help you from shelling out more money for rewiring and adding lines in the future.
Aside from electricity, also take note of your facility’s cooling requirements. Remember that when you bring in more hardware, the heat you produced will also double. New and additional cooling units are way costly, but you can save if you invest upfront in the right ones.
Check Your Server Space
As you start planning for your data center, consider the number of server racks you need to set in place. If you figure this out correctly, you can house all your equipment correctly while also reserving ample space for expansion and improvement. You can add more racks and keep them empty until you need to use them. Space will allow air to flow properly within the facility.
If you need help in planning, designing, and building your data center, we’re glad to help. Contact Intelinet Systems – IT Consultant now.
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