

IT Budgeting is EASY

From the desk of Jeff Wheeler, Managing Partner

First of all, from time to time in the IT world, you as a user or a business owner will have complications. Issue here, issue there, just issues. So think about it. If you purchase IT assistance by the problem or issue, you can’t budget effectively. This means the more problems you have as a customer, the more money we make as your IT service provider. Ka-Ching! Your problem equals dollars for us.

The “answer” to the paying-by-the-problem scenario is to go with a flat-rate, monthly fee model such as our Managed Wise Elite offer. As our customer, when your business is running smoothly due to our preventative work, there are fewer issues we have to fix. The fewer issues we have to fix, the less labor dollars we spend on your account, and the more profitable you are as a customer of ours. You like less problems, we like less problems, so it’s a win-win for both of us! (As a side note, our TAMs, or Technical Account Managers, are required to walk into your office once a week, whether there is an issue or not. That is what we call customer service.)

Second of all, moving all your computing to our private cloud saves you money – Yep, it’s pretty easy! There are servers and virtual desktops, but your environment is on our private cloud. We own all of the equipment, so nothing is outsourced. We can drive you over to your cloud and you can touch the server where your data is being held. It’s not somewhere in LaLa land. Oh, and yes, you have normal work stations and laptops that you use every day.

When it comes to moving over to the cloud, resistance is futile. It is not a matter of IF you move, but WHEN! I have 3 cloud proposals on my desk as I type this article. We are helping companies forklift their businesses, their servers, and their processes to the cloud. Think about it: you walk into your office/home/hotel, and fire up your PC. The screen looks the same, you do the same job, you have the same process, but yet, your servers and systems are no longer in your office, they are now in our cloud (again, it’s our private data center). So, back to the original topic, budgeting IT. With your infrastructure in the cloud, it becomes a flat fee.

So, test me on this. Here is a math equation for you:

Let’s pick a 10 person office for grins.

Part 1

Average cost per user, per month:$ 99.00
X the number users/employees:10
Equals the cost per month:$ 990.00
X 12 months, equals the total spent on IT for one year:$11,880.00

Remember, you don’t have to worry about server upgrades, patches, anti-virus, aging equipment, IT staff, or software upgrades. We manage everything for one low, flat fee.

Part 2

Take what you spent on IT last year and compare it to our flat fee. What is the difference? I will bet you a nice lunch at Salt Grass that it is either less than or within a few thousand dollars of your current spending. Here is the best part: all of your IT headaches are gone! Leave it to the IT Pros at Intelinet Systems, who LOVE THIS STUFF! Let us deal with the backend, while you focus on your business.

If you have any questions, I would love to hear from you.

Jeff Wheeler, Managing Partner, vCIO
[email protected]
SNR 972-331-3311 (Single Number Reach)

Let Intelinet Systems show you how much we can save you – in time and money. Schedule an appointment today at 972-331-3300.

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